Saturday, August 16, 2008

Why I Buy Used Shoes on Ebay...

My motto: Everything's a trade-off. My MIL reminded me yet again that the day may come when I will have to sell off those horses. And I pointed out to her, yet again, that I constantly trade off things in my life to be able to have the luxury of large, pooping mammals that require ongoing medical and footcare. I don't forget for one second that I am in a tiny, lucky segment of the population that is able to have several varieties of manure on my laundry...and I give up other things for that option.

Her response: "Oh, I know Netherfieldmom. I know it every time I look around this kitchen." ;)


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Great post. This morning my daughter and i went out to feed the rabbits when the horses came up to us. It melted my heart when she leaned over to hug our giant Clydesdale stallion and said, "I love the way horses smell, Mom." *big grin*

Debbie said...

OH, WOW!! Great post!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I love when my girls start opening a mint in the pasture. When the horses hear the crackle of the wrapper, they come a runnin'. I love to listen to the screams of laughter while my kids try to get the wrappers off as the horses nibble and kiss. They act like two year olds waiting for their sugar fix. I agree having so many animals is a trade off, and I wouldn't change a thing. Besides that I love your kitchen (-: at least your house has one! (Mine is still just studded walls).


EEEEMommy said...

You're so right! We make time for the things that are really important to us! Great post!

I've had fun catching up with you. :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, owning horses is a luxury any more but what's two? That's what I am hoping to get down to someday. It'd be nice to just hold a lead rope in each hand. ;) Love the new pic of your barn, mind giving us a tour someday? It is BEAUTIFUL!

Debbie said...

Now who is behind on posting??

did you get my least email?