Saturday, November 8, 2008

Politics, again...

I am struggling along, trying to keep the boat afloat with dignity and respect undertowed by fear and loathing.

Here's an interesting blog, highlighting some of President-Elect Obama's future plans:

And of course, one of my favorites, although irreverant and bold--the irrepressible Ann Coulter:

For my birthday, my dad gave me Bill O'Reilly's newest book: A Bold, Fresh Piece of Humanity. We read it aloud all the way to and from the funeral on Wednesday and it is very entertaining. I wish I had the opportunity to see him more often, but perhaps knowing him from writing is better...

Well, I better start planning for my "community service hours"...Yah, Comrade.


Needa said...

FYI, Bill O'R is on the radio at 1430 am from 1-3 in the afternoons. THat show is The Radio Factor. It's great!

Needa said...

FYI Bill O'R has a radio show on 1430 am from 1-3 weekdays. It is called The Radio Factor.