Yes, it's been a few days, letting my fingers heal up from the whole moth debacle. My aunt tells me there are moth boxes that you can buy at Lowes to keep in the cabinet, so Handyman has been ordered to stock up on those during his daily trip to Lowes.
Just to keep things interesting, there was an outbreak of giant black flies in the kitchen. With all the cracks and holes in that room there is just no way to know where they are originating, but the first day I killed 10 in the front window, ten! They are big and slow, thank goodness. But big means squishy and gooshy, wipes necessary. After I massacred the ten I turned around and there were more on the fluorescent light by the washer/dog kennel. I got a new smacker and headed that way. Would you believe I got four in a row on the string hanging from the light?? Stupid squishy flies.
At lunch, #1 joined in the killing frenzy and we got more in the window and more on the light. I'm beginning to think they're coming from the light fixture. My BBFL called and she suggested those sticky strips that we hang in the barn in the summer--very attractive--but we happened to have some. I watched with glee as the flies left the light fixture and stopped for a little R&R on the sticky strip! Na na na boo boo! Hotel California--you can never leave!!
When I was at the library loading up on DVD's for this glorious west-of-Ohio slop-from-the-sky mudfest, I found the entire first season of......GREEN ACRES! That's right. My kids have never seen Green Acres, although they have heard the term many times over the last few years. I figured they need to understand the cultural implications of Green Acres on their lives and get to know Arnold Ziffel.
Of course they love it. They're singing the theme song. They especially love that Zsa Zsa left a note for the hen to leave them three eggs and the hen, who lays her eggs in a china dish, left four! (Mom--don't they know that a hen doesn't lay four eggs in a day??) They also loved that Zsa Zsa didn't want to break the eggs to cook 'zem "because the hen worked so hard at making 'zem."
I so appreciate that the kids think our life is not Green Acres, even though most of our family does. They realize we are WAY above that stage in life. After all we have electricity in the barn now, even the hayloft has its own switch. (I think they forgot about that whole rooster in the shower stall incident.)
Well, I gotta go remove the fly tape from the kitchen ceiling before the company comes--ick.
Greeeeeeeeen Acres is the place to be. Faaaaaarm living is the life for me! Land spreading out so far and wide. Keep Manhattan just give me that mud inside!
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Jan. 1, 2008 - A New Favorite?
Posted by MayTheyBeMightyMen (
I happened to stumble in here, and I love your humor! I may have a new fave to add to my list of favorite blogs!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
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